Tithing - Book Review
Tithing has always been an interesting concept for me. From the time I was young I was taught to give to the Lord what is the Lord’s. I was taught whatever blessings we have come from above and to give back to the Lord 10% of what was earned. I have followed this practice since I was young, and even in tough times the Lord has proven faithful to provide. I chose to read and review Tithing by Douglas LeBlanc because the subject has been on my mind and heart lately. Tithing is a journalistic account of giving back to the Lord in action. Each chapter tells of a person he interviewed about their tithing story and God's faithfulness. While it is a great blessing to hear of God’s faithfulness, I found the book very difficult to read which resulted in very little motivation to pick it up. Though the stories did speak of God’s faithfulness in day to day life they did not speak to me of the mighty works God can accomplish. It also seems as if the author comes from a deeply Episcopalian background. And while there is nothing wrong with this, it made portions of the book hard for me to follow. Despite the difficulty I had in reading this book the fundamental truth the book presents is not only valid but encouraging. The Lord calls us to give back with a willing and pure heart and when we do he proves faithful. After all, what father does not want to give their children good gifts?
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